"Mungkin dia perlukan perhatian," Kasihan by Hujan.
Since this seems like THE topic right now, I have been drawn to share my views/ reasons/ arguments/ whatevers for not couple-ing (that's having a girlfriend, for all you non-Manglish speakers).
Disclaimer: I have had the experience of having a girlfriend before this (two experiences, to be exact), so I know why people do it too (ecewaaaaah, expert abes ayat beliau!). Oh, and this post will be in Manglish too. (Sorry non-Manglish speakers!)

Reason #1: Berdossaaa..
The reasons that I have been reading all along. All I agree with. There are several blogposts about this that say it better than I ever could, but the most concise (i guess) would be this one --> Click here. Check it out.
Reason #2: Loss of Freedom
Sure, memang bes bila ada orang tanya pasai kita tiap-tiap hari. Sikit-sikit, "Dah makan belum?" Sikit-sikit, "Dah mandi belum?" Sikit-sikit, "Dah berak belum?"
Tapi lama-lama naik rimas gak woh. Bila dah siap buat satu benda ja kena bagi report, kalau tak kena merajuk sedas. Bila tak reti nak pujuk awek, tambah-merajuk beliau pasai kita tak pandai nak pujuk. Last-last skali kena label "tak reti nak pujuk orang".
Jadi hidup akan jadi soo dependent on our phones. Kena text them, like, 24/7 kot. Nak buat kerja pun payah. Kalau lambat reply, kena lagi merajuk. Mau tak letih? Bila busy sikit, kena merajuk lagi. Nak bersembang rancak ngan member-member pun jadi payah. Pasaipa? Pasai time dok sembang-sembang, nak kena stop sat, reply message dulu. Kawan kita dok cakap, kita tak pay attention kat dia, then kata "hah?" Kawan kita pun naik bengkek ngan kita.
Tapi, on the other hand, kalau ignore the phone, then akan dapat lagi message daripada "si dia", yang akan berbaur "hello?", "U there?", ataupun miscall trus. Then, this happens:
Si dia: pasaipa lambat reply?
Kita: sembang ngan kawan.
Si dia: Oh, kawan... (which of course means "So kawan hang lagi important dari aku la?? Kononnya special la aku?? Kawan boleh dicari, tapi aku mana hang nak jumpak???")
Kita: Sorry.
Si dia: *merajuk, tak reply.
And the whole sha-bang lah after that. The fight scene that ensues I'll leave to your colourful imaginations jalah.
So, memang tak free man. Kena menjawab ALL THE TIME. Baik clash and stay single. Tak payah risau nak report kat siapa-siapa.
Reason #3: Habis duit.
Seriously, if you have a girlfriend, your wallet is not safe. Or rather, the money inside it. It's not that the girl will ask for the money or presents or whatever. It's usually our own innate desire to be so-called "romantic" to get them stuff. Pantang nampak bear cute atau cincin stai skit, kita terbayang-bayang si dia, so kita pun beli la, bagi kat dia bila jumpak.
Ha, bila jumpak tu pun satu lagi hal. Kita ni kena la jadi gentleman konon kan? Kena la spend duit nak belanja dia ini itu. Mana boleh split the bill beb. Tak gentle ah. Kita kena belanja. Memang at the time kita tak perasan pun duit kita habis. Kita terlalu taksub nak make that person happy and make it seem like we're the perfect boyfriend, that everything that we spend is considered small change compared to what we get in return, and that's "true love". Bleagh~ I can't believe I was that kind of person. Astaghfirullahal'aziim.
Then not to mention the incessant amount of money that needs to be spent on prepaid. You have to text this person every 3 minutes, for the whole time that you're awake (let's just put it at 15 hours). After doing the math, (what?? Anak Pak Man does math??) I have discovered that if you send a text message every 3 minutes for 15 hours, you would have sent 500 texts to just ONE PERSON in a day. That's like RM5 (if one text was one sen). So an RM10 prepaid card would only last you 2 days! Gosh, even I'm astonished with this piece of information.
What do you get in return for your heavy investments? So-called "pure love" from someone who is not even your wife and you can't do stuff to her that you can do to your wife, and nothing else. Now tell me, is that rational?
Reason #4: You Lose Friends
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean you lose friends automatically. But you do lose the time you can spend with your friends. Think about it.
Friend: Jom p tengok movie?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, aku nak keluaq ngan awek satgi.
Friend: Oh, okay then.
Friend: Jom p mandi sungai?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, aku janji nak breakfast ngan awek aku.
Friend: Hmm.
Friend: Jom mandi hujan?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, awek aku kata bahaya, dia tamaw aku demam nanti.
Friend: What the foo??
Seriously, when your life revolves around your awek, everything else just drifts away. Family, friends, you bet.
So I have my reasons. I can spend my feelings, time and money on things that really matter, that are friends and family. Plus, I don't need to have a girlfriend to be in love. I'm already in love right now, and that love has brought and will bring me closer to Allah. And that's the only love I need.
Akhir kata, takkan kau rasai indahnya cinta; andai tiada cinta buat Yang Esa. (You won't feel the beauty of love if you don't feel love towards the One)
ahahaha..i love ur post!
meows..yeah, dats true..
klu kwn ngn sy nie,
xabes dwet pon enn..skali
skala teh ais or milo kosong
apa salahnya, ;pp
anyway, yeah, cinta Esa kekal
but then again
fallin in love is like falling asleep in class, u aint suppose to, but u did
all is unplanned kan?
Hehe, thanks! Asalkan hang blanja aku balik, takesah! haha
Memang lah.. All too true..
Tapi just because you fall in love, does that mean you have to couple with that person you fell in love with? No you don't.. Just because I don't couple, doesn't mean I'm stopping myself from falling in love.. As I mentioned in the post, I AM in love right now.. I'm just stopping myself from having any sort of illegitimate relationship..
well thats good too. i rmb kak azie said, its jihad. woooot2
wow!i loiikee u statement..
yup, just hide your feeling
towards dat girl..
when the time has come,
u'll be ready and pergi
je masuk meminang~ ulalalaa..
ehh..apa blnja balik, xaciss!
i love this partner, makes perfect sense.
Yep, mati syaheed woo.. So, until I'm ready to make a legitimate relationship, I'll sit tight and do stuff that I enjoy.. hehe
hehe, hang pon ada post gak benda yang lebih kurang kan? banyak menyedarkan aku woh.. hehe, thanks..
apa plak xacis? fair is fair lah.. hehe
hehe, thanks partner!
baguih la.. belajaq bagi elok dlu.. dpt keja idup stabil kawen ja terus..
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.. hehe
tiba-tiba rasa nak wat Math gak..
neh post yg plg best KOT..
keep it up!
coolio!hahah korang mengingatkan azie dgn apa yg azie nak dlm hidup sbnrnya... yeah!jihad! mari terus berjihad....pendamkan rasa cinta itu...suburkan cinta pada illahi dahulu :) cool entry la cuz!support u lah!
maybe i should post in Manglish more often? hehe
Thanks! =)
hehe, makaseh for the support~ =)
ho. best gila baca. mudah faham. Tersusun gila semua semua point kaau.
tersenyum mmbaca blog anda~
hehe, makaseh~ sila datang lagi.. =)
hehe, baguslaa ia dapat membawa senyuman.. =)
like this post....
and ayat2 akhir....
Akhir kata, takkan kau rasai indahnya cinta; andai tiada cinta buat Yang Esa. (You won't feel the beauty of love if you don't feel love towards the One).....
cinta manusia itu perlu dikawal jangan dilayan berlebihan....
so, salam mujahadah!!!!!
pretty much like my story dude! I even had two experiences before.. hahaha.. and the reasons for not having girlfriend are exactly the same! LOL
kalo ada org tanya aku pasaipa aku jadi gay skarang ak suruh dia baca post hang ja.. hahaha.. and yes, falling in love doesn't mean you have to have a girlfriend :D
two thumbs up! two toes up!
thumbs up!!
baguih la anak pak man nie noo..
fatin afiqah,
Wslm.. hehe, I read your post about this topic and I agree.. Cuma tak komen lah pulak at your blog.. hehe
Thanks! =)
Hehe, sila suruh ramai2 mai kunjung sini ya? ingat URL aku kat atas tu.. hehe..
Thanks soo much! =)
Thanks! Bajet bagus jea.. hehe =)
love this entry.
agree with all of ur reasons.
sangat benci bila kawan kita lupakan kita bila tengah bercinta.
she jirah,
Hehe, kan? I get annoyed too.. =)
Thanks! Please come again!
good post. good ideas. excellently executed.
and i believe love isn't unplanned. it's all in the head. you have everything under control there, you have everything in life under control.
pencari sejati,
Thanks for dropping by.. =)
Teacher Max,
Thank You! =)
Yep, agreed!
Anwar, though i’m unable 2 emphatize with u & ur frens regarding ur love stories, i can imagine how the situations were..
n i think that a relationship requires a HUGE commitment..hmm...not a simple matter at all, I believe...
It's good that you aren't able to empathise.. it's not that big a deal..
Yeah, not a simple matter.. and not a very logical matter too, in my eyes.. ^_^
yah, I guess ur right..as ppl say; there's NO right or wrong in love..
so, v can't apply logic in love..hmm..seems complicated..=.=
What I believe is that your feelings may defy logic, but your actions should always be logical.. Because you may not always be control of your feelings.. But you are ALWAYS in control of your actions..
love this entry :D
thanks for loving it! the entry says thanks too, but it would like to keep its options open for now.. :P
This entry inspired me , seriously.
Thanks .
nak share ur post nehh, boleh ?
harsh but true :)
hah. vlog tentang ini. mesti menarik :)
terima kasih untuk tajuk menarik ni heh.
ayat anda..pergh..dulu......kapel tu sgt teringin coz dak2 scol..cinte monyet..hhahh...but now....aku kisah apa kalau tak kapel pon tak mati..coz mr right tu akan dtg bila smpai masenye.kan IniAnwarHAdi...
Luvin' this! ^_^
oh heyy.i totally agree with you. :)
naik rimaih klau asek nak merajuk.pasaipa?hegeh nohh.haha.nway,me as a student of U tet tet think you should give your CERAMAH to all those couples in my college.they really need your help.berbulu mata cheq tengok depa.yaaaay!!
wee~~i like this post..
setuju sgt pasal 24/7 kena text,call and everything..mmg payahh..
lepas clash, and stay single..mmg dpt rasa "i'm freeee!".....
i'm glad that u're this kind of people, yang tak couple. yang always bagi contoh2 yang baikkk . tabik sama lu derr ! and wish u all the best kat australia. mak saya kata BEST. :)) jaga diri !
Most of what you've stated above are kinda true. That also might be the reason why I don't have a boyfriend right now (taknak mengaku kelemahan diri haha) but I don't really agree about that buying stuff for your awek pastu kalau tak belanja makan dia merajuk. And that you have to text her every goddamn minutes. Am just saying, bukan semua perempuan macam tu. Mungkin ramai la kot orang yang awak kenal macam tu but jsyk ada lagi perempuan yang tak berapa nak emosi dan having her pms everyday. You can't judge us dengan facts that your ex(es) (maybe) a stupid little brat, excuse my language. Haha and yes maybe you are exaggerating. Tapi this is your blog anyway, and you can write whatever you wanna write on here. So yeah sorry :) kbai
nah . reply untuk awak .
Tergerak hati nak komen. Kasihan brader, pernah dapat awek begitu. Tapi haruslah gelak sikit sebab post ni menggeletek hati juga.
Sebenarnya wujud saje gadis-gadis yang tak seperti kamu kata. Aku kenal seorang yang begitu. Dia seminggu sekali belum tentu lagi telefon atau sms boyfriend nya. Keluar bersama apatah lagi. Bila ditanya kenapa, katanya: "Dah faham hati masing-masing. Dah suka sama suka. Biarkan hubungan ni statik, tak undur, tak maju. Melainkan masing-masing dah bersedia nak settle down. Masa tu baru bergerak ke depan. Kalau dia tak nak faham walaupun dah diterangkan berkali-kali, maknanya dia tak hormati aku. Dia bukan untuk aku." Begitulah kira-kira katanya.
Maka teori hidup terkongkong, habis duit dan kehilangan kawan-kawan tu tak dapat diaplikasikan di sini. Cuma soal dosa tu aku tak pasti. Sebab manalah aku tahu apa yang ada dalam hatinya.
Just an opinion. Cheers, brader.
mana butang LIKE bro ?
nice one !
can i re-post this :) <3 this
and totally true! ^^
I support u anwar hadi..i'm also in love now..but no couple2 things..when we love Allah..we will get our true love..from the person that He give to us..
this is really good.. susah nak jumpa lelaki yang berfikiran mcm ni.anyway, good luck in Oz! ;)
a friend of mine once said,niat bercinta sebab nak cari bakal suami(or bakal isteri for guys), bukan untuk main2. and somebody also said, it's ok to "bercinta sebelum kahwin, asalkan kita tahu batas2nya"
the problem nowadays is that most people tend to define "cinta'/love incorrectly. and u see teenagers having a new gf/bf every few months. that's not love but lust all the way.
love is respect and tolerance, and not to be confused with how much sacrifice u have to make to prove ur sincerity. if its love, u don't really have to prove too much,kan
lastly, just believe in Allah...jodoh setiap insan tu ada, kalau takde kat dunia, insyaAllah dia menunggu kat syurga :)
*tetiba rasa macam ayat2 ni takde kesinambungan haha but u get what i mean kan?*
haha .
post ni best .
banyak kebenaranya ;)
woowww..terbaekkk la..setuju2..kalo dh ade jdoh,xyh cple sgale bagai nih,terus je msuk minang kn..ngeh3..ske beb entry nih,..keep it up..hahaa
aku setuju sangat dengan segala sebab-musabab kau. bagi aku, ber-couple adalah merugikan masa, duit dan perasaan. esok-esok dah kerja cukup duit harta semua kahwin lah terus kan.
hey, you're totally right. i was in your situation too. i used to have a boyfriend. i thought having a boyfriend would make me a happier person and i'll never be alone anymore. but nah, turned out, it sucks real bad. now, even if you ask me a hundred times which to choose, i'd still prefer single ; )
do follow my blog!
setuju, semua reason yg anwar bagi tu ade betulnya. Bagus anak pak man nie. haha :D
BTW, amy nak tanya soalan cepu emas.
cm mana kalau org yg awk suka tu disambar dulu sebelum awk sempat melamar dia?
tetiba terfikir soalan cm tu.. huhu
haha. so true!
i never try once, but i know how's that feel to care about a person all time. which we don't know he/she will belong to us or not at the end.
yes, indeed, Allah's love is the best love we will have, if we want to.
best of luck in sydney inianwarhadi. :)
setuju sangat.. very nice entry.. single is freedom.. nak wat ape2 pun boleh.. lg 1, setiap manusia kan dicipta berpasangan.. jd x payah nak risau sgt.. hee~
You know what, I think you should write on this more often. Since you're kinda influential right now (if you haven't realise it), of course people would listen to you. Even if you're not influential, you've a good argument. I second everything you said except the part with to be a gentleman, you've to pay for everything. well, in my opinion, only cheapskate/pisau cukur do that. realitinya, makan kan sendiri2 jadi bil bayar asing2 la. unless you're the hubby, then of course the bill is on you. sebab tu dah jadi part of your nafkah, don't you think so?
Been there, done that! This is so freakin true.
I truly believe that if we just be patient and x mengikut perasaan berdarah muda kita ni. somehow, somewhere, someday, someway we will marry someone who'll be totally worth the wait. Sebenanya jodoh kita Allah dah tentukan sebelum kita ada dalam perut mak kita lagi. So couple ni memang suatu pembuangan masa dan emosi ke tahap yang melanggar batasan norma.
btw, this is my say on this matter :)
agree.totally setuju.haha single is simple
tue baru msj ngan awek blom ag call uat super saver ag. pastu keesokkn harinya plak mengantok dalam kelas n x dpt tumpukan perhatian dalam kelas
Your post makes me realize that.. yeah, life is too good to be wasted when you are single and does not attached to anybody :) Heee.. Enjoy life to it's fullest aite anwar hadi!
Awesome post, anak Pak Man! I agree to you. Well, let's not make couple-ing a habit shall we? Cheers! ;D
just wanna say....this entry awes0me!!...^_^
feel grateful....
keep it up....=)
Interesting post. =) Keep it up!
anak pak man..o..anak pak man! :)
reason 1:totally AGREE,but I believe kbykn anak2 muda(even anak2 tua) sedar hukum berkapel ni,cuma cannot escape(?) sb terikut2 ngan kwn.so,yg ni mmg kne kembali kpd ajaran Islam yg sebenar..wajib amek tau psl yg ni.
reason 2:AGREE..but depends on thp ke'understanding'an psgn..ada psgn yg takdela 24/7 mengada nk berkepit even dlm hp(or fb),dan ada gak yg 24/7 nk berkepit ja..smpi g toilet pn kne bwk hp.
reason 3:tak berapa AGree..sb ada gak berlaku si perempuan yg kena kuarkan duit..cth:**
reason 4:yg ni taktau la pulak,sb sy ni pn jrg nk kuar berjimba ngan kwn2..lbh suke dok kt umah ja.so taktau sgt la efek kpd tali persahabatan..sb rs mcm biase je,xde efek pape.huehueheu..maybe lelaki terasa la kot,sb konon2 nk jd romantis la kn..smpi kwn2 terabai. :)
i love your conclusion..sb tu la cinta pertama dlm hidup kita(especially yg bergelar Muslim) :)
kalo rajin la kn..jemput singgah ke blog.and ofkos la,klik mana yg patut. :)
this is like sooo true!
Alamak, banyak la pulak nak kena reply.. -_-" thanks for the comments everyone! here goes~
Emy Amalina,
Glad to be able to be of service to u.. :)
Putree Nasuha,
Boleh ja! :)
aisya zainal,
hehe, tengok dulu macam mana.. thanks suggest! :)
betul tu sang mentari! :)
ara's darling,
:D thanks!
aisya imz,
ceramah? well, i don't know if i'm qualified to do that, even though i would love to give these people a piece of my mind.. :) thanks!
kan? thanks! :D
aqila safuan,
thanks and thanks to your mother too! :D
well, in this post i express the reasons why coupling is not for ME, not all guys in the world. It's just MY take on the matter and all reasons given are MINE and MINE ALONE. I don't judge all girls to be like this (although I do believe that a vast majority of girls ARE somewhat like this).. :) thanks!
Dayang Anne,
I would have commented on your post, if only I knew how. -_-"
thanks for replying! And please be reminded that these reasons are my reasons and my reasons alone.
Plus, I think you sort of misunderstood some of my points. Sorry, I guess that's because of my lack of ability in conveying what I want to say in an easily digestible manner. :)
Thanks for the comment and the story. :)
Kalau girls like that banyak, saya pon tak kesah nak couple2 ni. Tapi masalah nya sekarang, that kind of girl is an exception, rather than the rule. Thus, saya jauh lebih selesa dengan menjauhi diri daripada perbuatan itu terus.. :)
fath K,
thanks! :D
yes you may. :) thanks!
yup, that is true. thanks! :)
really? well, i wouldn't know. :)
love is not tolerance. love is acceptance. think about it. and thanks for the comment! :D
thanks! ia benar bagi saya.. :D
shazilah aziz,
ya, betul tu.. minang trus, senang.. hehe,, thanks! :D
well, ank pak man..
tabik spring kat hang~
suke bace blog hang..
baguih2 na~ keep it up!
nk komen pjg2 cam depa x reti...
kehadrin komen cheq ni, nk kasitau kat hang.. act rami2 kot silent2 reader cam cheq ni yg segan nk komen,hohoho~ ni pon tgh segan nk komen ni, tapi pakse gak tgn ni taip ahahah~so aper2 pon terjadi...walau ke utara selatan timur dan barat♪~ dont stop blogging... Ganbatte!
yup, kawen trus. tak membazir. thanks! :D
afeedah shah,
yeah! single-dom rocks! thanks for the comment! :D
well, kalau dah disambar orang, memang bukan jodoh la maknanya, kan?
wise words from mdm salmah: "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they were yours all along. If they don't, it was never meant to be."
thanks amy! :D
yup! thanks! good luck to you too! :D
yup, tak payah nak risau.. yakin dengan qadha' dan qadhar.. :) thanks!
well, if you read what i wrote, I said that the guy feels obligated and puts it upon himself to pay for the meal. The girl has little part to play. laki ja nak tunjuk kata dia hebat, dia kena la belanja. :)
and i think i've written all that i can write about this topic in this post. sharing it on my page was my effort to get it around. :) thanks for the comment!
commented on your blog. thanks for commenting! :D
yup, it is simple. thanks for the comment! :D
ya! itu memang benar! hehe. thanks for commenting! :)
nazrin abd wahab,
yeah! to its fullest! nak idop berpasangan ngan isteri sudah la, kan? :) thanks!
shahiela c,
yeap, let's not make it a culture (might be too late for that tho).. thanks for the comment! :)
thanks and thanks!
jien mei,
thanks! :D
intan junsu,
thanks for the well-elaborated comment! :D
well, kalau anda tak agree, tak mengapa, kerana dalam post ini saya bercakap tentang sebab2 saya sendiri tidak mahu berkapel. Saya rasa macam tu, jadi saya tulis lah. :)
thanks again!
padgie lee,
yeah! like, isn't it? thanks for the comment! :)
yeah...bru found u at YT.. and baru bace ur blog...oh oh terbayang muka anda di YT..tak tahan nak gelak..terpikir "eh eh budak neyh pun ada kapel ka"..haha
nice post ! tak terase tak terase..ok terase..huhu
sungguh benar katakata anak pak man ni.
tiada istilah couple dalam islam. cinta itu datang dari ajakan syaitan dan nafsu. so, it is not pure love at all.
honestly i've been there(couple). selain dari menyeksa hati dan mengacau harian kita yang sepatutnye diisi dengan aktiviti berfaedah, semuanya leads to maksiat. dan pastikah anda itu suami/isteri anda nanti setelah meluahkan rasa sayang dan segala perhatian? banyak tambah dosa dan pengalaman2 yang tidak elok sekiranya kita berkahwin dengan orang lain.
alhamdullilah. skrg saya pun sudah berkahwin. agak awal juga kerana saya masih lagi belajar. semua atas dasar tidak mahu couple dan inginkan hubungan yang halal dan keberkatan dari Allah. teruskan berjihad dan berdoa. iA. Allah will help you =)
wah ! bestnye post ni :)
setuju gila dgn anda
mmg byk keburukan sbnanye bile couple ni.base on my observations, couple nie hanyalah membazir,membazir dan mmbazir ! agree kan? hehe.
*check out my blog .thanks :)
terbaiikk ! :)
assalamualaikum.. sukalah dengan entri awak.. nice..
aku pernah juga fikir macam tu.. tapi entah kenapa aku boleh pula terima lelaki ni sebab aku tengok dia lama tunggu aku, sanggup sabar, jadi hati dah kata 'nak terima',tapi aku terfikir juga lah.. 'tak berdosakah?'
yalah, memandangkan Allah yang tentukan dosa pahala ni sebenarnya jadi kusut juga lah otak ni kejap..
tapi dia pernah cakap 'dia rela lepaskan aku pergi' andai ada yang lain.
kalau aku tak nak bercinta tapi masih dalah perhubungan? jap, maksudnya apa tu?.. peninglah.. ni yang kadang-kadang jadi 'malaslah nak fikir'.. rasa-rasa awak apa ya? oren? haha.. gurau ja.. so? pendapat peribadi sebagai lelaki lah ya.. dan sebagai saudara sesama islam.. ?????
tapi la ni kalau mandi hujan saja bahaya pun..hoho
yang ni nice do.haha.
OMG..macam dah jumpa org persis AO aka Asyraf Omar..Hlovate-Versus).haha
okok...comment for this entry.... rasa mcm jatuh cinta memang tak salah kerana ianya fitrah. Asyik bercinta tu yang salah.keaiban-keaiban cinta seperti hari-hari bergayut dengan ‘handphone’,Selalu berjumpa, SMS, asyik merindu pada yang ajnabi..Perbuatan-perbuatan ini yang sebenarnya salah, bukan perasaan jatuh cinta tu...Mujahadah perlahan-lahan dgn penuh kerelaan kerana takut dan cintakan Allah.... changing for gud aint a crime right.. Cinta itu buta apabila nafsu yang memandunya...kan...
bukan untuk jadi perfect tp untuk jadi lebih baik dr smalam..^^,v
haha..true bro..every young guys ur age will have d same feeling as u..love is not for school kids/uni student...its for grown ups! so,kids,stay out of relationship! LOL
wat saya gelak je entri awak ni.1st baca..betul sgt la tu..tp depends pada sape partner awak tu kn..hehe..
good luck!
hey, we just saw u pnye videos..gile mcm terlmbt an..xpela..it's better late than never an..suke gile post nie..soooo true~~tp klau dh stuck dlm coupling, cne nk kuar agk2 eh..cm ssh je...:(
for the guys, bros b4 hoes
for ladies, chick b4 dick
use this principal in ur friendship it will never be apart n everyone love u :D
salamun alaikum...
wawawa...i have an equation for u
("dah berak?") + ("jom mandi ujan?") = mmg gelak guling3
xde plak kn depa na ckp comey nye awk korek idong?huahuahua
Perghhh! Terbaek.
Ckup sebab kukuh utk katakan TIDAK pd couple.
3lion likes....hopefully dpt bce ag entry hang,,,,best..ssh gak nk jd blogger yg mmntgkn nilai2 murni..anywy thnks 4 the post,,
you're damn right. i'm in a relationship. i think about this all the time. i wish i could tell him all of this. cos everyone knows, it pretty much sums up to a lot of wrong doings.
and the temper tantrums. ya Allah. it's like dealing with a 3 year old. i don't even know how i put up with this. i'm too nice. haa. kiddingggg.
oh and he's having one of his tantrums. NOW. they can be such a *insert inappropriate word referring to female dogs*
he hates my friends. wtfwtfwtfwtfwtf. and they're really good people. i.don't.understand.
paranoid much?
i have so many reasons to walk away from all of this crap. dunno what's stopping me.
anyway, i love your blog, and your videos! you're a riot. real funny.
betul je ape yg anda tulis.
just like my teacher always say to us.
budak2 macam kome ni, tak paya lah gatal nak cari gf/bf. umur tak besa mane. duet pun mak ayah bagi. dah nak belanje sakann. bkn tuk diri senirik lak tuh. ape kan ? tapi tu lah hidup. sume org ade choices. pandai pilih je. hee. skg ni budak yg bawah umur pulak couplet bagai. belanje awek tmpt mahal. kalo x mcD, kfc lah yg cikai. jeans nak LEVI's. nk nmpk berada ada kan. lawak tgk sume tuh.
nice vlog/blog. tahniah tahniah ,
falling in love is a fitrah. benda tu xslaah pun. orangkata : fitrah tu harus dirai. cuma kena cara lah kan.. :)
apapun i like this post very much!
banyaknya comment
okay,balik pada this issue
ada yang betul,ada yang tak..
depends on that person act.
sebab kadangkadang semua tu tak happen kecuali the first reason..
p/s:senang senang,follow lah..=))
yeah.. single is better.. if couple pn.. wt2 je die bkn suami or istri so, still ade kebebasan jugekn.. dh khwn len r cte.. cinta pd yg esa adelah cinta yg kekal abadi..
I'm very much convinced by your reasons. I made the right choice before, LOL, Alhamdulillah
pengakuan yang jujur lagi ikhlas.. haha.. tol2.. cinte bagai nak rak.. duit xde.. aaiiguu... study abis2 dulu.. tapi kalu jodoh dah sampai.. sahut aje la... ~berkahwin~ cinta2 x cool.. ~benarkah~ lol XDD
main topic = pancing undi.
isi - isi = antara pandangan guy yg once dpt girl sgt pathethic. takut balaks keness kebass tuh.
conclusion = antare reasons why guy malas nak berkomitmen. okaylah tu,
indeed! i love being single! that are so true!
penat betol nak scroll ! haishh !
hah terbaik la bro XD
oh GOD. seronok baca >.< i agree :)
*even tersemput semput nak bace , tapi tk rase penat. wootwoot :)
selama aku hidup x pernah aku baca post yg best camni!! berlawak dimasa sama nasihat!! alhamdulilah, penuh pengisian post ini.. menyedarkan yg ramai.. byk pahala kamu dpt..
fuhhh. u make me proud (;
anak pak man a.k.a abang?
wow !
nice post !
i also like the link that u put in there :)
gud luck then ,
ceq setuju dengan ang...toksah la bercintan cintut ni...ceq tak pernah ada boipren pon!!! memang bes idop single ni naa...kalau dah sampai seru tu, maknanya jodoh dah mai dah tu...aha
salam anwar hadi..absolutely agree with all those reasons :)
entri yg menarik.
terima kasih :)
huh sms 24/7??no thanx..this is the reason why i dont couple caouple during high school..so childish lah. kalau dah besar pun xleh nak merenggang,ohhh please...
the coolessttt entry yaww
love your statement...
love Allah is better...
i really enjoy reading your entry and watching your video...make me laugh..haha n for sure..i'm following your blog...
Alhamdulillah... Thanks for give me some reason for not to find girl or into "couple sickness". Terima kasih banyak- banyak. Baru fikir nak cari satu, bila baca balik, wah, so rimas lah... Biar hidup macam orang dulu, jumpa berkenan, terus kahwin. Itu pun after semua cita- cita dah tercapai.
jrg jumpe org yg ckp sal ni.
maybe just havent found the right one yet
no such thing as "coupling" in Islam. hampa nk p kawen trui.
nice post :)
but then kan, come to think of it, once you ada wife nanti, your wife pun maybe akan do the same thing. merajuk n all the belanja2 stuff semua tu kan.
so sebenarnya it's not worthy bila kita buat semua tu untuk gf/bf semata2 sebab tak ada hubungan yang sah. but once you live in a marriage life, the same thing happens la kan.
basically sebenarnya I think you might not understand what I'm trying to convey here tapi I understand your main point; couple-sia2. is it, kan? tu yang penting.
so thanks for this post. nice ;)
i hate the fact that i lose my bestfriend because his awek told him to stop befriend with me.
mintak izin share ea bro...
Dem its true lah brader..
Gua pernah tulis tang nie , papepon memang ada kena mengena la.. Tapi point2 lu lagi superb dari gua. keh keh keh.. teruskan menulis yoh..
i agree with all of the points that you've given. 100% AGREE ! haha. even these are your reasons but i have the same reasons as you.
saya baru berumur 17 tahun dan orang - orang di sekeliling saya [my schoolmates] sibuk bercerita tentang her bf(s) every seconds. i get annoyed with it. i always thinking and said dalam hati 'what's the point these people get into a relationship right now? korang baru 17 tahun ok? there's no guarantee that your bf right now will be your husband right?' tapi itu semua hanya dalam hati je la. hehehe.
frankly speaking la, i also have tend to get a boyfriend cause i never have one. but being in a relationship, i mean 'LOVE', will cause you many troubles compared to kebahagiaan dan kesenangan kan?
i don't know la. my mind still get closed and locked from being hacked by love. haha.
thanx to u man.. love it.. that makes me saw it a whole new picture of couple-ing..
baarakallahu fiik..
laaa... ni ke blog inianwarhadi yg dak2 kelas aku salu ckp tu. aku pnh tgk vlog hang ja. xpnh pulak tau hang ada blog juga.
btw, nice one. tp, kte manusia ni salu je kejar ape yg kte rase best. itu normal kot.
salam, haritu bf sy baru mintak break on 14hb feb, #1 reason dia, dia kata sy ni cantik sgt (xpon). #2 dia kata kita xsesuai kapel. #3 dia kata dia nk cocntrate study.so yeah, i accept his 3rd reason. btw last2 baru sy tau yg dia repent, mmg totally repent. we're perfect when we get together but we got even more perfected when he left me. alhamdullilah skrg sy pun da start pakai tudung,solat,mengaji etc. dulu mmg sama2 jahil seyh. doakan Allah prmudahkan jodoh kami, InsyaAllah. in life we never can get escape from something inevitable, of being human, is being human. thx anwar, keep up the good work k!
love it so much
bile d fikir2 kan lek r...
memang betol pn pe yg u ckp ni...
experience teach me something...
hahaha...omedato(is the spelling correct,tibai je la.omedato=congrats)
for posting this greatest post ever!!you rules,dude! seriously, i'm grateful that over 20 years of my lifetime i can control this feelin' to not couple!! hard,yes..impossible,no!
yeah,..tho my wayis quite bad..i talk to boys in quite "kurang ajar" tone so that they would feel nothin to me and take me as nothin'..even if it takes them to hate me and said what a kurang ajar girl you are!!as long as i survive i'm all good!hahaha,..thanks for remind us of the ONE love!!
sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat suka entri ini. :)
Glad that you have this kind of thought at such a young age. Alhamdulillah... Pertahankan okayyy. And prove to ur FUTURE wife that you are 100% "clean", if u get what I mean :).
Like Like Like ur post ! nak minta share ye !
u go boy!..eventhough i'm a girl! i'm 100% percent agree with u..well seems like boys will have more loss than the girl..kekekkee~...anyways likessss thissss post so much!!..^^
btol2...walaupon ade yg couple x berjumpa pon...tp bila ade rase rindu tu tetap berdosa...ianya dikira zina hati...
sebelum mampu untuk mengikat hubungan(nikah)...lebih baik hanya berkawan sahaja...berkawan boleh ramai-ramai...nak bergurau atau mengusik pon xde sape nak cemburu atau marah....dan yang penting kebebasan....dah kawin nanti kene tumpu pada keluarga ja...
dude u r super amazing...
funny how i've been thinking about this sort of thing a few days ago and then i came across your post here :D
i'd just like to say thanks! it makes you ponder more on this coupling business kan? ;)
hoyeahhh. all the points are 100% true..agree! :) and that is the best way..just find someone who you really love and got married. couple is just wasting our time. couple breakup couple breakup..perghh..
and yupp..u should write more in manglish coz it felt more exciting when we read it. btw, love this entry. keep it up!
Cudn't agree more. Simple tapi betul. :)
Si dia: pasaipa lambat reply?
Kita: sembang ngan kawan.
Si dia: Oh, kawan... (which of course means "So kawan hang lagi important dari aku la?? Kononnya special la aku?? Kawan boleh dicari, tapi aku mana hang nak jumpak???")
Kita: Sorry.
Si dia: *merajuk, tak reply.
Lor.. camne kamu tahu si dia merajuk.. ntah2 si dia tgh men playstation sambil makan piza ke, or sedang belajr membuat ketupat ke, so dia tak balas la, dah tu plak 'kita' pi balas 'sorry'. nape kita tak reply 'k' je, satu huruf, lgi senang. mane la kita tak complaint bnyk duit abis kat kredit, dah membazir anta sms sependek tu.. kalau sy pon, xnk balas sebab sy fikir "dia ni taknak msg ngn aku kot., tu yg reply pendek.., k. takyah balas r, nti aku boringkan dia je, ganggu dia je.."
Friend: Jom p tengok movie?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, aku nak keluaq ngan awek satgi.
Friend: Oh, okay then.
Friend: Jom p mandi sungai?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, aku janji nak breakfast ngan awek aku.
Friend: Hmm.
Friend: Jom mandi hujan?
Kita: Oh, taleh ah bro, awek aku kata bahaya, dia tamaw aku demam nanti.
Friend: What the foo??
well.. u decide ur life.. myb u dont wana hangout wit ur friend then make ur girl as a reason..
bnyk spent duit kat girl, ok. tp rsenye girl lgi bnyk abis duit kot utk bf dia, kne dress up, make up and all that. slalunya girl la suka bli birthdy present for d guy, masakkan utk bf, dan bla bla bl la la..
the point is, it's all about communication. communication solve everything : conflict, misunderstanding, getting to know each other, etc, etc.etc.
great entry. thanks for sharing this a-guy-points-of-view.
you are brilliant and creative.
selalunya girls je yg ske want entry camni.
anyway, i absolutely agree with u. being single is the best. because once you get married, u;ll never being single aanymore..
post nie yg pling best!!!!
I so ketinggalan zaman but I just run into your blog and I wrote a somewhat similar idea of how couple-ing is a waste of time. But probably on a lighter note.
biarkan cinta ini diam...
well said anwar hadi!
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