
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Alhamdulillah: Digi WWWOW Awards

"...And be grateful for the favour of Allah, if it is (indeed) Him that you worship," an-Nahl, ayat 114.

A good friend of mine recently reminded me of that ayat above. I love him to bits for it.

Alhamdulillah, I have just come back from Studio 1, KL Performing Arts Centre, where the Digi WWWOW Awards ceremony was held. I was voted "Must Follow Personality", "Video of the Year", and "Blogger of the Year". Alhamdulillah.

A BIG THANKS to everyone who voted for me. I got a chance to meet a few of those voters, which was great. Hoping to meet more in the future. Seriously, without you guys, it wouldn't have been possible, so thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart.

I would like to ask for one small favour of all you though, if I may. Boleh tak?

Help pray that I will not turn into a snob. Help pray that these "wins" will only work to make me more humble, in line with the Malay saying, biar ikut resmi padi; makin berisi, makin tunduk (be like the paddy; the more rice there is, the lower it bows ). Forgive the less-than-concise translation.

I hope these awards will help turn me into a better video-maker, a better followed-personality, a better blogger, a better son, a better friend, a better teacher-trainee, and above all, a better Muslim, insyaAllah.

No pictures yet. It's in the blind of morning (pagi buta) and I should really be turning in before the drive back home tomorrow. InsyaAllah, there will be a picture-post soon, as well as a video of my experience on the night.

Thank you once again for voting, if you voted. Thank you for reading. And thank you for the prayers.

May peace be upon all of you.



Muntos said...

Stay grounded in the spirit. InsyaAllah! :)

Nightroad said...

insyaallah bro...pray u gonna be better muslim & better man..

hzrhkamal said...

You deserved every single vote given.

glad that you win! dan kemenangan untuk semua peminat AYAM!


--MA-- said...

Yeayyy..Congratulation!! win it!!

btw,i love the line that you guide in,"be like the paddy; the more rice there is, the lower it bows"..

You deserved it,MR EIUUUU...(trademark);P

cik gojes :) said...

congratuLations !!! =)

azwniesd said...

congrats anuat hadiiii. hehe.
you deserved it ! :)

annur kardashian said...

congratulation :)

eiYja_cHum3yl said...

congrats, bro...our prayers will always be with you...

Unknown said...

like it bro!

cekgu nana said...

congratulation dude! keep it up! :) u deserved all the awards. always bear in mind that all the good things come frm Allah, then u'll not be snob. :)

Anonymous said...

a bunch of congrats bro...

xxx ooo said...

3 skali harung..gempak lah..hehe..

Nabila Wahab said...

congratulation dude ! ")

SweetyMui2 said...

you~~congrats!! :)

khairul_bariyyah said...


ameen for all d du'a(s) above.. :)

welcome home anwar hadi!

Maicher said...

well done.

u deserve this mann!


Unknown said...

congrats anwar..keep it up!

sue perbs.. said...

Alhamdulillah.. always support anwar Hadi...

Kutek Ghazali said...

huh.. disebabkan saya dekat kepala batas ja kalau tak sure saya pi awards tu.. nak sangat jumpa abg anwar..all my sys suka abang taw tak.. #yes kami akan doakan abang agar tak sombong..

aini ibrahim said...

congratz anwar hadi. =)

Liyana Rahim said...


tasneem zaini said...

Congrats to you Anwar Hadi =)
hopefully you will be an excellent followed-personality and become a good Muslim .
and one more thing , insyaAllah I'll pray for your successful .

Nasyha said...

congratulation anuat hadi. !
dah jadi celeb skrang .
insyallah we'll always pray for your success !

ShaikaNadwa said...

wah, congrates !! i pray for you and yeah now i do respect you more. i haven't seen any guy like you before. so down to earth.

neway, you've won the DSLR so im very sure your video will be so much better vision after this. seriously i can't wait for the improvement.

and again, Amin for all the prays. :D

依之汉 said...

I knew that you will win cuz you have something that other Malaysian bloggers don't have - message.

I have follow your videos and blogs for a year now. I see changes in your writing and video. It become better and better.

For us fan, we will support you. Just remain what you are. :D

han hanan said...

actually you deserve it :).and Im proud of you abang anwar hadi!.I keep supporting you no matter what.

Yasmin Khairani said...

wah. ok lah tu. nak buat vlog mmg senang. tapi nak buat vlog yang berkualiti tu susah.

btw, i used to hate your videos before I watch it. tapi bila dah dipaksa-paksa suruh tengok, baru tahu kenapa org duk gila sangat tengok video anuarhadi :)

congrats! :D

Unknown said...

never forget ur roots.. be humble :)

Zafirah Zaharein said...

This is proof that you're well accepted throughout the country (and also other countries) and your videos are awesome because not only are they funny, but they also give positive messages to the public. Good luck out there Anwar, and InsyaAllah you'll stay as humble as you are now and be a magnificent role model to teens out there :D