Looks like it's an update, after so long. I don't know why, but I've been avoiding my blog a lot lately. I haven't felt like writing for a very long time. I kind of miss it, the will to write. I want to want to write again. Sooner rather than later.
But this will just be a modified re-post of a message/rant I sent through Facebook to one of my friends regarding a topic that's been on my mind recently.
About Luthfi, it's not a competition. Never was, and never will be..
I bet THAT caught your attention, right? *winks
Ehem. But that's not what I'll be discussing here. If I discussed that, i'd sound like a whiny little sissy replying to all the Youtube commenters. I'll leave that in the world of Youtube. But I will still talk about a Youtube-related topic, and that is the sudden increase in the number of Malaysians doing vlogs.
Bear with me people. If you don't want to, then please close this tab. Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Courtesy of fastcompany.com
This "trend" has brought a smile to my face. My dream of seeing the group AYAM (Angkatan Youtubers Anak Malaysia) come to fruition wasn't too far-fetched after all. Of course, it's still just in my head, but if it somehow comes true one day, I'd definitely join.
But of course, as with anything I consume through my eyes and ears, I expect quality. What use is a group with an awesome name if the content in it was just bleagh. (Sorry, no word popped in my head there, just bleagh) We need quality stuff being done in order to be taken seriously (by ourselves more than anyone else). If all we did was just lip-sync in front of the camera to our favourite tunes, then all we'd get is a group of people who are super-talented at not singing. And you tell me if that's productive. You tell me.
And the content that anyone wants to bring forward shouldn't be restricted to only blabbing in front of the camera (like my feeble attempts at being funny). Malaysia could have our very own MysteryGuitarMan (JejakaGitarMisteri maybe?) with cool video effects, or Julian Smith with funny-as-hell skits and stuff, or DaveDays who makes kick-butt song covers using his own instruments and stuff. Just out and out video-makers who make videos about anything. That would definitely be awesome. And hey, if the community is strong enough, Malaysia could even be a country eligible for Partnering. That would definitely be the day. *sigh
"Why do you sigh anakpakman?"
I ish shorta shad.
"Why anakpakman?"
Because I have a feeling that all this hype will turn out to be just that. Hype. And hype has a short lifespan. Like the hype/trend of Goth that swept the nation a few years back. Do you remember? Everyone wearing bundle pasar malam blazers and black make-up carrying umbrellas with holes in them. That lasted what? 3 months maybe? That deserved to die. This deserves to be propagated.
For that to happen, Malaysians need to be open to this new wave of Youtubers. People who have uploaded their first videos should not receive any hate mail. It's their first outing, so of course there are going to be flaws. Nobody gets off to a perfect start. And nobody ever gets perfect either. So dissin' should be strictly prohibited to the first 5 videos (at least).
And please, stay away from comments like "mencapap giler kawan nie!" or "nampak sangat nak cuba jadi mcm matluthfi, tapi sucks!" People please! They have a right to express themselves and not be compared to better-established video-makers! I definitely dislike it (and disagree) when a person says I'm like Nigahiga or RayWilliamJohnson or Shane Dawson or whatever. I'm not them, nor am I trying to be like them. I love their videos, I subscribe to 'em, but I'd feel better if people didn't say those things. Mostly because I think they're too awesome to be compared to little old young me. And also because i feel like I'm nothing like them in my videos. So compliment, but don't compare. (But I have to admit, I was very much like MysteryGuitarMan talking to the camera in my first video. Hands. Everywhere. Just needed glasses.)
In the world of expressive art (speaking in a very sophisticated artsy-schmartsy tone of voice here) everyone needs time to find their identity. You can't be your own kind of artist just after you've composed only one song, or painted only one painting, or written only one poem. That's the rule. And although there are exceptions, the rule still applies. I am looking for myself too through practice and more videos. I'm not saying I'm the best of examples, but I can only refer to my own situation at present.
As for exposure, we need to give people time. Not everyone can be an overnight sensation and gain a thousand subscribers just from one video. I know I am one of the very lucky ones chosen by Allah to be presented to a very wide audience. Alhamdulillah. Most people will gain that exposure through perseverance and good networking. And that takes time. We need to give people that time to be recognised, to gain recognition. And to do that, we simply cannot shoot a person down as soon as that person makes their first video.
"That was a long explanation anakpakman."
Yeah, I know, sorry if you felt bored reading all that. But I think I made my point clear. Did I?
May peace be upon you.
but i love you both!
you guys are awesome! unique in your own way!
keep going anak pakman!
smartly written,
point taken,
wise judgement,
so learn,
ladies and gentleman.
i guess we need more writing like this.
u make tesl-ians proud.
and Malaysian too, if its not too much.
thank you for writing.
couldn't agree more. but both of you are doing great. funny vlog but yet it is still full of info and not just babbling all way round :)
I agree on every single point you've brought up here. People should support and give constructive comments instead of discriminating and hating.
A job well done, anakpakman. I hope everyone remembers and contributes to this :)
Anyways, I'm definitely supporting you with your videos so, keep it up!
people out there....
always envy with others success...
i know it hard when u read all the negative comment from ur readers when they watch ur video....
but u should proud with ur self...
because u make some people thinking the reality of life....
make them realize what happen on this era...
why, what, how and many more...
u should proud with urself...
sorry if my vocab are not good enough but i just want to say....
ur still a lucky person...
because people know about u...
n some of them always supporting u....
so, go go anak pakman...
u can do it...
face the reality and beat the negative with all ur power ok....
I agree fully with this post.
Currently doing a vlog with a friend of mine, well, its just some random things we thought of, as to express our feelings. Aren't copying anyone though. Just doing it for the sake of what, doing it? Haha.
well, we would really appreciate it kalau Anwar Hadi tengok us as well you did inspire us on the first place. Ada this one random video taken which you can here us screaming your name too. Haha.
http://www.youtube.com/user/aDeeJaZfor the whole youtube page and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtT3THzWTuU for a random video of us yang suka Anwar Hadi. :D
Keep up the good work Anwar! Loves.
Yeah, you influenced a lot of people. Including me :D and my sister.
We wanted to make our youtube channel a loooong time ago but didn't have the guts. and a video camera. -.-
Anyways, we decided that we want to make our very own vlog after watching you. So thank you for that. :) And I hope people don't think we're trying to be like sum'in or sum'dy coz we just wanna share :-D
I know this is such a publisiti murahan but here's our channel anyway :D
This channel is for girls, actually. hee
1. i love your way of thinking... and i really love your vlog.. especially when you speaks in English, i like your tone and your way to express any idea..(help me improve my eng too)
2. biasalah kan, mmg manusia ni suka membanding-bandingkan... mesti ada likers and haters...
3. gudluck in ur study..:)
yes..and both of u were great! creative..and i love your style,your face expression, your jokes and when u talk in english, it sound best giler je..hehe..waaa!!thumbs up for inianwarhadi a.k.a anakazman..
hye assalamualikum,seriously and honestly,i really2 like vlog and ur writting blog,its really2 awesome actually,just ignore others who are comparing u with him,for me you're the best,u make the vlog not for taking ''publisiti murahan'' but its the way ur thinking,and its really briliant and creative..
hye,one more things your blog really2 improve my english with new vocab heheh..thanks alot bro..keep it up and move on, malaysian support u =) chill peace
xpe2...sorang x ske,seploh suke
yg seploh tu always behind ur back...
u know la people nowadays..
juz like bags nowadays...ahha!
keep going man ! ignore what others people said . you are the best and have ur own style . go anwarhadi ! :)
I like your points there. Become a blogger is still hard to me. I still searching the right soul for me to get the best writing out of me through a lot of daily post in my blog.
I wrote in Malay and English and sometimes mixing it up to get the blend of fireworks in me. Though my friend do said something bad about my blog.
Conclusion is that we are what we are just like Ke-dollar sign-ha song all about. We become great when we become ourselves.
Hope the best from all bloggers of Malaysia and certainly from you.
Beloved fan, Izham.
tihee.. i'll make him/her looks like the mashed potato. *will i?*
chillex, orang camtu cari perhatian tu je. or else he sorta jealous cos his subscribers are not as much as yours? hahaha
u should make this one a video.then people will understand u much better.^^
peace bro.
I'm definitely agree with your points there and yeah you're absolutely right .
Can't understand why do some people love to express their negative comments instead of supporting the person or at least have a good response on what the person tryna do .
Don't be such a narrow - minded people and please stop judging other coz hell yeah in the end of the story , nobody's prefect .
So to those who love to give negative comments on what people tryna do and comparing the person with other people , please and please have a look of yourself in the mirror first before you express your not-so-encourage comments to others :)
Anyway , keep up the good work Anwar Hadi and yeah don't give a damn to those narrow - minded people . Let them be .
both are incredibly creative. cheers for the both of u ;) keep it up mate!
interesting, i wish to know where you find the inspiration to write/blog.
somehow it is very difficult to get that inspiration to write.
care to share some of your tips pls.
Just ignore them.
Everyone is special in their own way :)
keep on inspiring peeps :)
ah comments like that are everywhere. take it positively, 'they're rich people who have more than one keyboard for theire pc they don't know what to do with them so they write la all the terrible things.'
keep it up anak pak man, you rock.
btw, was it who commented on my second latest post?
Good work anak pak man.
Just ignore wht peoples says bad thing about you.
As long as its ur OPINION ! ur own THOUGHT ! and comes freom ur heart. its okay.
ive faced it be4.
if follow their tune, u wont be satisfied.
Trust me
when you said you dislike it when people say you're like nigahiga and the others, i'm truly sorry because i did remembered posting on your facebook wall saying that you're like the Malaysian version of nigahiga. I understand that you want to be different and not to be seen like copying others, but I was just so proud to see brave Malaysian's like you to post good videos like that in youtube. All your videos are awesome! And your blog too, of course. (waiting for the episode of by the water) my mum keeps asking me what will happen next heheh :D
let them be..
luv u and your style lah anak pakman!!!
hang jangan dok peduli depa nak kata apa..kami sokong hang!! ^^
recent post : |DPLI 2011|
truskan youtubING k :p .. Dont stop coz i knw u like it, n we love to watch it..
swak version: mun ktk udah upload apa2 jak video, harus kmk on uTube,, mun line celcom tok slow, sggp bha kmk trun beli pin wireless di jual d kedey dibha ya.. kmk suka nangga ktk, sbb ktk kacak n video ktk pun best..
salam ngan ktk ah...
i couldn't agree more. btw u've make a great kick start for the other malaysian youtubers to break this walls. wish u luck and i also hoping that maybe we can have someone as talented as mysteryguitarman and kurthugoschneider's from our country and maybe you can be the first one. insyaallah..
Anwar Hadi!
I am so jealous of you! Not because u fmous, but bcoz u will get lots of money by doing the thing that u love. hope can b like u...now am start blogging, and put some nuffnang thing..hope will get lots of viewers...
be yourself :)
i agree with u. good writing.
who's luthfi? oh well now i have to google it.
“Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.” -Albert Einstein
Hey, wanna share sumthing with u guys, and also with u!
ur videos're needed during study. keep it up!!!!!
salam.yea, agree with u. dont bother what people said, it is u to judge urself.. keep going man! =)
p/s- i've been watching ur video & i love it especially "ewww". u know, u r so famous here (in russia)..ramai btoi peminat pompuan hang.. huhu..jk2
memang takleh tgk org senang.
tapi sampai bila?
*bunyi cengkerik*
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