Kan ku berikan semua..
-Aku Scandal by Hujan-
-Aku Scandal by Hujan-
One of their songs that I disliked in the beginning, but loved it after they re-recorded it. hehe. My cousins from Alor Star(Mama n Papa n Da Gang) have come here in our humble abode to stay for the night, so I decided to give them a good time. here's the juice-->
Woke up at 10.45-ish after sleeping at 3.30am in the morning yesterday night, doing nothing but surfing and reading Dotagaki Domain..agak bes blog itu. Then, while I was having my breakfast, they came! A surprise for me, as I didn't know they were coming, but my parents dok wat rilek jah, coz they knew we were getting company today. A heads-up would have been great Mak.. haih..
So we hung around the house until Friday prayers. The khutbah, to me, was uninspiring, and the Khatib didn't deliver the text with enough heart. He just read it. Come on, even I can read. (Ish3, pa ni dok ngutuk Khatib plak neh??)
After prayers, Mama asked us to drive to the store and get some eggs and butter for baking a cake. huh, peluang nak drive! So the four of us (Jart, Mee, Boy n me) went to all the way to Aneka Gurun to get the stuff that we could have easily acquired at Bedong which was much closer. hehe, gatai nak bawak jauh2!
"Jom2! P Aneka!"
Woke up at 10.45-ish after sleeping at 3.30am in the morning yesterday night, doing nothing but surfing and reading Dotagaki Domain..agak bes blog itu. Then, while I was having my breakfast, they came! A surprise for me, as I didn't know they were coming, but my parents dok wat rilek jah, coz they knew we were getting company today. A heads-up would have been great Mak.. haih..
So we hung around the house until Friday prayers. The khutbah, to me, was uninspiring, and the Khatib didn't deliver the text with enough heart. He just read it. Come on, even I can read. (Ish3, pa ni dok ngutuk Khatib plak neh??)
After prayers, Mama asked us to drive to the store and get some eggs and butter for baking a cake. huh, peluang nak drive! So the four of us (Jart, Mee, Boy n me) went to all the way to Aneka Gurun to get the stuff that we could have easily acquired at Bedong which was much closer. hehe, gatai nak bawak jauh2!
"Jom2! P Aneka!"
After retrieving all the sacred ingredients, I looked on as they prepared for baking.
The recipe!
The ever-so-talented chefs!
The process!!
As overwhelmingly exciting as it all may have seemed, I got bored, so I took the boys out for another joyride to Sungai Petani. Woohoo!!
Sonok nampak bleh p jalan2..hehe
"Alamak! Bedong pon ada jam ka??"
We first went to Village Mall to release some stress by what else, but by karaoke-ing!! haha!
Village Mall Yay!!
"Isk, bukan ampa da duit pon nak beli!"
Passed by some break-dancing folk..Bajet cool la tu..SP ja pon wey! haha
Dan lagi nak bergambo kat sni..haih..
The Escelators(Indie Band)
Finally, we get to my destination of the day..K-Box! ( at least I think that's the name)
Cari booth kosong..
"Enjoy!!!" (tapi awat muka macam xenjoy ja? gelap kot..)
I sang 2 songs only.. (No money maa).. Generasiku by OAG and also a song by Nidji..(forgot the title already..)huhu
"Xpueh lansung!"
Oh well.. Spotted a pair of HOT hotpants though..
When it was time for Asar prayers, we made our way to the Surau..
"Ha,tu pon dia surau! Tersembunyi ngat aih! "
"Kami budak baik..baik ka?"
After we were done with those formalities, tunggu pa lagi? P tengok gig ah! Wooohooo!!!
We then took a look-see into the magical world of Nash doughnuts store, where there are an abundance of strange and mystical doughnuts await, sure to make your mouth water..
We set off to the car with heavy-hearts reluctant to leave the Nash's without purchasing even one delectable delight..
Then boy voiced out an inspired suggestion..
"Weh, jom p umah Omaq!" -Boy
"Jom!!"-the rest
"Jom!!"-the rest
So off we went!
We're here!
"Testing skit.." Boy
"Ampa dua tengok jala noh?"
After making too much noise, the neighbours got angry and shouted unpostable words at us. Thus, like any other teenagers would, we decided to flee from the scene of the noise, putting the blame on Omaq alone..
"Wey, xkan ampa nak tinggai aku kot? Mampuih satgi aku kena tibai ngan jiran.." Omaq
We drove (I drove) as fast as we could back home, not wanting to miss out on the cake that was left for Na to bake earlier.. I hit 140km/h for the first time in my short driving life..
When we arrived home, all that was left was:
So we made it look like this:
Nak lagi kek!!
happy sungguh :D
seriosuly, if you happen to buy those pants, lemme know. i'll be the first to took a picture of it. And who knows, spread it in the net? haha :P
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