
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spaced Out Over Exams

"We go backwards again," Twisted Logic by Coldplay.

And so, exams are here again.

The first examinations for my degree course.

One semester, three subjects, three papers, three days, lots and lots of pulled out hair.

But the thing about this semester is that I don't feel like it's already been almost a semester since the start of the year. It feels like a month, at most.

And you know another thing that I noticed? I'm nearing the age of 20. Seriously, I still feel 18.

So many things to learn, so many things to do, so many things to experience. But so little time.

After these exams, I'll have one more semester of being in this teacher training institute, then I'll be off to university campus life, insyaAllah. Away from family, away from old friends, away from familiar faces, away from Malaysia, away from cheap food, away.

Two years after that I'll come back a different person, I hope. I mean, there's no point studying overseas if you come back as the same person, right? I'll be 23 by then. Wow. 23.

Am I the only one getting the chills?


But coming back to the present, I hope and pray that I make it through these coming examinations smiling. I also pray the same for everyone else in my Cohort, because this Cohort deserves it. This has been a tough semester for me. A lot of things happened (and still happening), internally as well as externally.

Whatever happens, I know it will be for the best. Qadar and Qadha', I hope all of us don't forget to believe in it.
