
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Perlukah? Kenapakah?

"You're looking like you're low on energy," It's Hard To Get Around The Wind by Alex Turner.

Alamak, Anak Pak Man tulis bahasa sekali lagi. Awatnya ceq? Saja, suka-suka. Buruk-buruk pun saya punya penulisan bahasa ni, saya tetap nak tulis. Kalau anda dan anda tak faham, saya minta maaf lah awal-awal. I'm sorry.

Pertama sekali, saya nak mungucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang yang sokong saya dan pertahan saya selama ini. Saya sangat menghargai semuanya, serius.

Now on to the beef.

Saya dok perhati lah kan, bila ada orang Melayu ni buat benda yang tak berapa nak elok (macam video haters yang dok femes tapi kena remove dah lani tu), orang Melayu lain macam cepat ja nak tegur (terutamanya dalam alam maya). Itu saya puji. Betul, teguran-teguran itu sangat perlu untuk mengingatkan orang yang mungkin terlupa akan apa itu kebaikan atau nilai-nilai murni seperti yang diajar oleh cikgu-cikgu kita di sekolah dulu. Bagus betul orang-orang yang berani menegur ni. Lebih baik ialah orang yang menegur secara berhikmah. Sangat saya hormat.

Akan tetapi, akan ada banyak lah jugak ayat-ayat yang macam ni diperkatakan:

"Macam ni lah Melayu! Orang sendiri nak naik ja kira nak dengki!"

"Melayu kira nak dengki ja! Tak leh ka nak hepi atas kejayaan orang lain?"

"Sampai bila Melayu nak maju kalau macam ni perangai?"

Dan semua ayat ni akan dikeluarkan oleh orang-orang Melayu sendiri.


Saya tengok ras-ras lain, ramai ja yang buat benda yang menunjukkan yang mereka kurang terpelajar, tapi tadak pulak depa nak komen "Ni la orang puteh! Budak baru nak naik pun terus kondem!" Kalau ada pun, akan dicop racist oleh orang mereka sendiri.

They don't like using race in their criticism. Why do we do it?

Sebelum ada sesiapa yang kata saya membuat kenyataan yang berunsur membenci kaum saya sendiri dan dilabel pembelot bangsa, saya cuma ingin menerangkan yang apa yang saya luahkan di sini ialah soalan. Bukan pendapat. Saya tak kata teruk, saya tak kata bodoh, saya tak kata apa. Saya cuma menanyakan soalan.

Perlukah melibatkan kaum dalam teguran-teguran kita? Jika ya, kenapa? Jika tidak, kenapa orang guna?

Kenapa orang selalu associate "Melayu" dengan nilai yang negatif seperti selalu lambat, malas, dengki dan riak? Kenapa ada kenyataan-kenyataan yang seperti berikut:

"A: Kata nak jumpak pukoi 2.30, lani dah pukoi 3.30 dah, takdak sapa pun lagi ni..
B: Biasalaa, janji Melayu.."

"A: Kalau ada orang baru nak jadi femes ja, truih ramai yang dok ngata macam-macam..
B: Biasalaa, Melayu.."

"A: Dulu dia ok ja ngan aku, tapi sejak dapat kawen ngan artis tu, dah tak tegoq dah member lama macam kita neh..
B: Melayu kan? Biasalaa.."

What you need to understand here is that selalunya, both A dan B adalah sesama Melayu jugak.

Perlukah? Kenapakah?

I would love to hear your comments on this. And please good people, jangan dok komen "Biasalaa, Melayu.." Please, I don't need that.

May peace be upon you.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


"If only you could see.." A Lunatic's Lament by Alesana.

Looks like it's an update, after so long. I don't know why, but I've been avoiding my blog a lot lately. I haven't felt like writing for a very long time. I kind of miss it, the will to write. I want to want to write again. Sooner rather than later.

But this will just be a modified re-post of a message/rant I sent through Facebook to one of my friends regarding a topic that's been on my mind recently.

About Luthfi, it's not a competition. Never was, and never will be..

I bet THAT caught your attention, right? *winks

Ehem. But that's not what I'll be discussing here. If I discussed that, i'd sound like a whiny little sissy replying to all the Youtube commenters. I'll leave that in the world of Youtube. But I will still talk about a Youtube-related topic, and that is the sudden increase in the number of Malaysians doing vlogs.

Bear with me people. If you don't want to, then please close this tab. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Courtesy of

This "trend" has brought a smile to my face. My dream of seeing the group AYAM (Angkatan Youtubers Anak Malaysia) come to fruition wasn't too far-fetched after all. Of course, it's still just in my head, but if it somehow comes true one day, I'd definitely join.

But of course, as with anything I consume through my eyes and ears, I expect quality. What use is a group with an awesome name if the content in it was just bleagh. (Sorry, no word popped in my head there, just bleagh) We need quality stuff being done in order to be taken seriously (by ourselves more than anyone else). If all we did was just lip-sync in front of the camera to our favourite tunes, then all we'd get is a group of people who are super-talented at not singing. And you tell me if that's productive. You tell me.

And the content that anyone wants to bring forward shouldn't be restricted to only blabbing in front of the camera (like my feeble attempts at being funny). Malaysia could have our very own MysteryGuitarMan (JejakaGitarMisteri maybe?) with cool video effects, or Julian Smith with funny-as-hell skits and stuff, or DaveDays who makes kick-butt song covers using his own instruments and stuff. Just out and out video-makers who make videos about anything. That would definitely be awesome. And hey, if the community is strong enough, Malaysia could even be a country eligible for Partnering. That would definitely be the day. *sigh

"Why do you sigh anakpakman?"

I ish shorta shad.

"Why anakpakman?"

Because I have a feeling that all this hype will turn out to be just that. Hype. And hype has a short lifespan. Like the hype/trend of Goth that swept the nation a few years back. Do you remember? Everyone wearing bundle pasar malam blazers and black make-up carrying umbrellas with holes in them. That lasted what? 3 months maybe? That deserved to die. This deserves to be propagated.

For that to happen, Malaysians need to be open to this new wave of Youtubers. People who have uploaded their first videos should not receive any hate mail. It's their first outing, so of course there are going to be flaws. Nobody gets off to a perfect start. And nobody ever gets perfect either. So dissin' should be strictly prohibited to the first 5 videos (at least).

And please, stay away from comments like "mencapap giler kawan nie!" or "nampak sangat nak cuba jadi mcm matluthfi, tapi sucks!" People please! They have a right to express themselves and not be compared to better-established video-makers! I definitely dislike it (and disagree) when a person says I'm like Nigahiga or RayWilliamJohnson or Shane Dawson or whatever. I'm not them, nor am I trying to be like them. I love their videos, I subscribe to 'em, but I'd feel better if people didn't say those things. Mostly because I think they're too awesome to be compared to little old young me. And also because i feel like I'm nothing like them in my videos. So compliment, but don't compare. (But I have to admit, I was very much like MysteryGuitarMan talking to the camera in my first video. Hands. Everywhere. Just needed glasses.)

In the world of expressive art (speaking in a very sophisticated artsy-schmartsy tone of voice here) everyone needs time to find their identity. You can't be your own kind of artist just after you've composed only one song, or painted only one painting, or written only one poem. That's the rule. And although there are exceptions, the rule still applies. I am looking for myself too through practice and more videos. I'm not saying I'm the best of examples, but I can only refer to my own situation at present.

As for exposure, we need to give people time. Not everyone can be an overnight sensation and gain a thousand subscribers just from one video. I know I am one of the very lucky ones chosen by Allah to be presented to a very wide audience. Alhamdulillah. Most people will gain that exposure through perseverance and good networking. And that takes time. We need to give people that time to be recognised, to gain recognition. And to do that, we simply cannot shoot a person down as soon as that person makes their first video.

"That was a long explanation anakpakman."

Yeah, I know, sorry if you felt bored reading all that. But I think I made my point clear. Did I?

May peace be upon you.
